Dr. Andrew Pinto is the founding and current director of the Upstream Lab, a research team focused on tackling social determinants of health, population health management, and using data science to enable Learning Health Systems. He holds the CIHR Applied Public Health Chair in Upstream Prevention. He is a Public Health and Preventive Medicine specialist and family physician at St. Michael’s Hospital of Unity Health Toronto and an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto. He is the Director of the University of Toronto Practice-Based Research Network (UPLEARN), the lead for clinical research of Ontario’s POPLAR network, and the founder of the Canadian Primary Care Trials Network. Among other roles, he serves on the Institute Advisory Board of CIHR’s Institute for Population and Public Health, is an adjunct scientist at the Institute for Work and Health, and an honorary senior lecturer at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
A list of courses and lectures delivered by Dr. Andrew Pinto
Course developer and instructor for CHL7001HS1: Using data to improve individual health, practice performance and understand social determinants (Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, 2016-2018).
Course instructor for CHL5105H: Social Determinants of Health (Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, 2017).
Invited Lecturer for Undergraduate Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto (2015 – Present)
- Course: Community, Population and Public Health (Year 1)
- Lecture Name: Social Determinants of Health: Going Upstream in Clinical Care
Designed & deliver lectures UNI411: Health, biology & determinants of disease in neglected populations (Health Studies Programme, University of Toronto, 2009-2012).