Improving health through upstream social interventions

Research, education, and policy change

Get Involved Research

The Upstream Lab is a non-profit research lab based at MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We are dedicated to improving health and well-being of the population through addressing issues related to social determinants of health.

Who We Are

What are the social determinants of health?

According to WHO, social determinants of health (SDOH) are non-medical factors that have an influence on our health, particularly the social and economic conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live and age. Some examples include income and social status, job insecurity, food insecurity, and education. SDOH also includes the wider system that can foster health inequity, such as discriminative policies and social norms, and historical trauma.

Our Research Streams

Integrating Health and Social Care

Interventions addressing social needs of individuals in healthcare settings.

Population Health Management

Interventions addressing social needs at community and policy levels.

Data to Enable a Learning Health System

Leveraging data and technology to improve the health systems.


Our scientists lead research initiatives that tackle social determinants of health at multiple levels. Driven by our shared mission to advance health equity, we incubate novel interventions by integrating health and social care, population health management, leveraging data to enable proactive care, and conducting trials.

Our Collaborators

Community Members

Our lab works with many incredible and diverse individuals who provide valuable insights on our projects. Get to know some of our community advisory members.

Our study lays the groundwork for future research into the rationales for resource allocation to law enforcement in Canada. Read what we found from analyzing the police budget of the 20 largest municipalities in Canada. ⤵️

We are looking for a full-time permanent Research Coordinator II to support one of our large funded initiatives, PREPARED, and other research projects at Upstream Lab! Closing date: July 26.

Dr. Ben Saville, president of Adaptix Trials, LLC, will share his expertise in designing adaptive platform trials, including structuring trials and using simulations for optimization. Register now:

The Community Expert Group (CEG) on Homelessness, Housing and Health at @MAP_Health outlined recommendations on how researchers can effectively work with individuals receiving social assistance in Ontario. Read the policy brief:

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