Priorities for Artificial Intelligence Applications in Primary Care: A Canadian Deliberative Dialogue with Patients, Providers, and Health System Leaders

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in primary care is limited, and those to be most impacted by this technology should guide its implementation in this setting. The researchers organized dialogues with patients, care providers and health system leaders to know their thoughts on the application of AI in primary care.

Study participants suggest initially implementing AI in documentation, practice operations and triage tasks. The goal is for AI to improve efficiency while maintaining patient-centred care, relationships and access. They also thought that AI-driven decision-making and proactive care tools could be beneficial but also recognized potential risks. Participants shared that adequate training and support were necessary for safe, effective, and patient-centred implementation of AI in primary care.

The paper suggests that AI developers should collaborate with primary care stakeholders from the beginning to co-design tools that address shared concerns and priorities.



Authors: Tara L. Upshaw, Amy Craig-Neil, Jillian Macklin, Carolyn Steele Gray, Timothy C. Y. Chan, Jennifer Gibson, Andrew D. Pinto

Year: 2023