Project Dignify: Supporting seniors living with mental illness who experience homelessness

Integrating Health & Social Care
In Progress
Healthcare Interventions, Homelessness, Mental Disability, Proactive Intervention


Our study will evaluate Project Dignify, a new case management program at St. Michael’s Hospital that aims to provide older adults experiencing homelessness and mental health challenges with support to

  • find and maintain housing,
  • access geriatric psychiatric care, and
  • improve their psychological and social wellbeing.

We want to provide care with dignity by creating an innovative program led by an interdisciplinary team that delivers mental health care and psychosocial supports and services.

Unlike many existing programs, the care provided by Dignify is not short-term or transitional, but long enough to ensure that clients feel well enough and are connected to appropriate supports before being discharged.


We will conduct a 4-year evaluation study of Dignify. Our work will demonstrate the value of the program in an urban setting and will help fill a large service gap for older adults experiencing homelessness. In addition, the results will yield information that can be used to advocate for sustaining this program and potentially replicating it in other care settings.

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