Racialized people in clinical practice guideline panels

This article acknowledges that it is crucial for guideline panels to comprise of individuals positioned to make relevant recommendations, including those that reflect the diversity of the priority population. This is due to the fact that clinical practice guidelines can include recommendations with important implications for health equity. The authors recognize women are under-represented in guideline panels, and, although the inclusion of racialised people in guideline panels has received less attention, racialised clinicians are discriminated against in training and hiring. Through this study, the extent to which guideline panels included racialised people and women was determined.



Authors: Persaud N, Ally M, Woods H, Workentin A, Baxter NN, Boozary A, Grundy Q, Lofters A, McKenzie K, Pinto AD, Shünemann HJ, Straus S

Year: 2022