Drs. Pinto and Garies to compete at Angels Den
November 14, 2022Dr. Andrew Pinto and Dr. Stephanie Garies will compete at Angels Den, Canada’s biggest medical research competition. Tune in on November 16 at 7:00 p.m. ET to hear about their project, Outbreak Alert: Stopping the Next Pandemic.
They are designing algorithms that monitor patient files for signs of respiratory outbreaks. So when a cluster of patients in Sudbury present with symptoms, and similar cases pop up in Kingston or Hamilton, public health officials can be quickly notified. Their project will give us a fighting chance to stop a potential pandemic, and we need your help!
Vote for Dr. Stephanie Garies and Dr. Andrew Pinto to win the Canada Life People’s Choice Award at Angels Den. To do this,
Tune in to AngelsDen.ca on Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. ET
Voting will happen at the end of the show, from 8-9 p.m. ET
You can vote as many times as you want using different devices (e.g. laptops, computers, phones, tablets, etc.)